Making it easy for everyone to get involved, we offer a rewards program, giving away memberships. There are also high-value prizes given to our existing members, simply for creating directory listings.
Your chance to visit Acceglio, Italy!
Stay in a selected luxury property!
PLUS the airfare to get there!
FREE annual membership!
Attention: Login first, and take full advantage of our affiliate program. Maximize your efforts here!
How this rewards giveaway works…
Please submit your entries into the prize draw, by clicking your way through the list below. The more entries, the better your chance of success. Everything is accurately tracked, and all winners notified, after the countdown timer expires. Win super prizes, for helping to spread the word about this initiative!
New giveaway launching soon! |
The Winners List
- Everyone is eligible to enter this giveaway.
- You do not have to be a registered user here.
- There is no need to purchase membership, at all.
- Directory listings can be created, using the free trial.
- Yes, the entries with listings, do have a better chance.
- Winners are randomly selected, at our sole discretion.
- Otherwise, no correspondence will be entered into.
- Prizes cannot be sold, nor transferred to others.
- None of the prizes can be exchanged for cash.
The general purpose of the rewards program, is to promote this initiative. Encouraging everyone to explore the opportunity, tools and resources.